Fact Checking Policy

Bureaucracy Live is committed to providing accurate information to its users, and our fact-checking work is part of this category. Daily things goes viral on social media apps like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. it is often seen that most of the content is either misleading or fake. These very things sometimes become so much a factor that riot-like forms come to the front.

To fight these misinformation, our fact-checking team is committed to its work and keeps an large eye on social media. Our work and content choosing style can be read below:

How we select content:

Content about political issue.

Content having speech of any politician.

Content which can hurt any religion or religious sentiments.

Content having health information.

Can viral content on social media prove to be Deadly/Dangerous.

Virality of the social media post.

Fact Check Procedure:

After selecting the content, we start our fact checking process. We first try to reach the person who shared the content on the social media to get his/her views. After that, we try to probe the content by using online tools mentioned below.

Most of the content on social media is shared in Image and Video format.

To probe image posts, we use online tools mentioned below:

Google Reverse Image Search

Yandex Reverse Image Search

TinEye Reverse Image Search

Baidu Reverse Image Search

Exif Data Etc.

To probe video content, we use online tools mentioned below:

InVid Video Tool

Youtube DataViewer (For Youtube Contents)

Watch Frame By Frame (For Youtube Contents) Etc.

After getting factual help from the tools, we try to reach the person involved in the viral incident (if needed).

User can send Fact Check request on contact mentioned below:

Email: therajneetiofficial@gmail.com